In The Name Of Liberty
The Third statement of El-Yasin community in regards to their continuous Hunger Strike in the holy shrine of Imam Khomaini.
Someone who has committed tyranny himself or had partnered in tyranny, and the one who has helped someone in tyranny, and the one who is pleased it, all Three are partners in Tyranny
After two days of food strike El-Yasin representatives inside the holy shrine of Imam Khomaini in protest against the cruelties and injustice, and the lack of attention by the Iranian officials, hereby we announce that the responsibility for any cause danger to El-Yasin Community strikers will be over the high-ranking officials and custodianship of the shrine. Although the 200-members on hunger strike are not in a proper physical condition, they are under all kinds of pressure and threats in many ways.
We as Muslims in an Islamic country whose rights have been violated and seeking justice has became a challenge, have taken refuge and appealed to the leader of revolution Imam Khomaini and his holy shrine, faced with anti human security agents against strikers, including cutting off the water on them, lowering air to the severe cold to break down the strikers in which some has been reported in the critical condition. We hereby announce the outcome of these consequences will be of the high-ranking officials of Iran. Also any threat, pressure and offensive limitations towards who sought refuge in the holy shrine are responsibilities for all the high ranked officials who were current to oppressions inflicted on the Master Eliya and El-Yasin Community during past two years.
Unfortunately it’s unbelievable that after two days of peaceful and overpowered ways not only the requests of community had an appropriate reply but have received the Medias boycott which has been accompanied with silence of senior officials.
Central Council of El-Yasin
June 10, 2009
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