۱۳۸۸ مرداد ۱۸, یکشنبه

The lies of Keyhan newspaper

The book “The Lies of Keyhan Newspaper” is published

The Keyhanism cult and the phenomena of Media Mafia in Iran have been one of the biggest challenges and crisis-causing factors in Iran after the revolution.

The analysis and study of the positions of this newspapers and its involvement in causing crisis and misinformation of the happenings of recent yesars signifies a hidden power that is unseen and controls and guides the public mind using this newspaper. A good proof to this claim is the position of this newspaper in the tenth presidential election of Islamic Republic of Iran.

While the media in Iran are known as the forgers and the most mendacious Medias in international opinion, the statistics on the number of lies in this newspaper are clearly showing the dominance of lies in the cultural system of the country (independent of economical, political, religious systems, etc)

Mendacity, distortion and deformation of the truth, insults and demolition jobs against intellectuals of the society, dropping false national security charges against special people, provoking public opinion and authorities against intellectuals, supporting the plots of repentance-making and false confession films have been seen in Keyhan enormously.

In fact, the dominance of Security organizations in thinking and cultural systems of the society, feeding thoughts to people and controlling public opinion in order to conduct security plots by the Media mafia of Iran have been the cause of many social and cultural damages during last thirty years.

In the book of “The Lies of Keyhan Newspaper”, which is based on several volumes of researches, there was an attempt to analyze the black file of Keyhan and disclose only a part of the proofs showing the lies told by Keyhan, as the head of Media Mafia and the tribune of Power System in Iran, to defend the downtrodden rights of intellectuals, those who think different and also all the people of Iran. This book is considered as a step toward an influential movment.